Make Ballot Initiatives Fair
Have you ever read a ballot initiative and found it confusing? In Ohio, this has been intentional, as politicians try to confuse and mislead voters to get the result they want.
Ballot initiatives are those rare times when voters get a direct say in what happens in Ohio. Unlike voting for a candidate in an election, a ballot initiative allows voters to decide an issue without a middleman. Voters choose, not politicians.
This is the most direct form of democracy we have at the state level in Ohio. Yet, current Secretary of State Frank LaRose has undermined the process. LaRose’s office has twice put forth intentionally confusing ballot language for State Constitution amendments. In 2023, they made the reproductive rights amendment intentionally deceptive, and in 2024 purposefully misconstrued the outcome of a “Yes” vote for the anti-gerrymandering initiative.
No Secretary of State should use their authority over ballot language to confuse voters to get the result they want. The Secretary of State’s job is straightforward: to make sure the language on our ballots is understandable and unmistakable.
As Secretary of State, I will make certain the playing field is fair by ensuring ballot initiative language is clear and precise. Ballot initiatives should be written in language voters can understand, so their voices can be heard.